Boys like girls and girls eat mars | |
Monday, October 27, 2008
12:30 AM
haha!! i'm so happe!! i got a blogskin for the class. it may not be the best. hey, it's only my second time doing this alright!! haha. i tried my best. if you think there can be improvements or if yo really hate it leave your comments!!! isaBELLa
Friday, October 24, 2008
8:50 PM
HII. remember to bring toys for the toy drive on tuesday.. remember wat msLOH said. She expects more from us.. remember to bring passports too^^ HEARTS isaBELLa
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
9:10 PM
Oh Hi Y'All(: Sorry, there hasnt been a post from me for a week or so. Anw, I gave the details to Nicholas, as you can see. Whee, PSLE Marking Days! MS LOH JYJY!! And thanks dear Seniors for telling us the stuff about Secondary School! THANKEW!! Now I dont want to leave Primary School ;X Sec sounds so stressful. Wonder if I could join the 1997 batch. Hm. I can join! Eligible. Hm, I'd rather stay back at SAPS for one more year and take PSLE again. Sigh. On a lighter note, YAYE, sleep longer yayes. edlyn(:
Monday, October 13, 2008
4:28 PM
13th October 2008
Hi! Sure can't guess who I am....but i will tell u guys later So did you guys enjoy today's heritage tour??? Anyway, thank you for that 45mins of freedom in class Miss guys sure enjoyed it! Good luck for next 4 years! Nicholas XD.
Friday, October 10, 2008
12:17 PM
Hellooooooooooooo(:, Yaye, we're at the computer lab(: THANKEW MS LOH :D Uhrm, PSLE's over, so there's no homefun to post about D; HAHA. Anwwww... Hows life after PSLE?? Fun?? Free?? K, gonna post on my blog(: edlyn
Thursday, October 9, 2008
10:00 PM
Spammers, I have got your IP addresses. Please, stop spamming K. I'll gladly delete all your messages if you continue. Whats wrong with your names your parents gave you?? Do you hate it that much? Or are you just a coward, and you dont want to leave your name, in case you get into some sorta trouble? Come on, if you dare to spam, you'd dare to leave your name. We've gone through the dumb spammer thing before. LEAVE YOUR NAME, YOU COWARDS. If you seriously want some stupid attention, then go somewhere else, beacuse we dont need spammers on our CBox. We've got around eight different IP addresses. I guess its the same person, and that same person is hacking into other people's servers as well. I hate spammers, edlyn.
9:37 PM
One step at a time, there's no need to rush (jordin sparks, one step at a time) Yaye, its finally, completely, totally, wonderfully over(: Whooooooot!!(: Now, its time to dump all those worksheets into the Jordin Sparks + Youtube = Yaye(: Class - Study = Yaye(: P6 - PSLE = Yaye(: Computer Lab + Relaxing = Yaye(: Home - work = Yaye(: Celebrating + After PSLE = Yaye(: Talk all you want + Relaxing = Yaye(: Haha, Maths(: How nice!! Lets see if I can come up with some more. Lets try Multiplication?? I cant find the division sign on keyboard ;X Computer Lab x 2h = Yaye(: I suck at multiplication ;X Anw, I'm bored so I'll come up with more?? Malacca Trip + Freedom = Yaye(: Class - ZZZZZZZZZZZs = yaye(: KK, shoulda go(: See y'all in class tomorrow?? edlyn(:
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
9:48 PM
OH YAYE YAYE YAYE(: PSLE's finally, finally, FINALLY, over and everybody's laxing!! Good Luck for the results and stuff ;S But, who cares, that's in more than a month's time, So, take advantage of all the time we have left and just enjoy the rest of your Primary School Life. Gosh. Anw, let's not think of that. Think happy(= PSLE's OVER WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!:D :D Big big smile from all of us(: Yaye Muttons and 98.7(: KK, I guess I have to sleep now or something. Final battle's tomorrow. And I see Bella's posting haha(: Yaye, now post Ms Loh ;S Goodluck to those people (like me ;S) Who are taking their final final final paper tomorrow. All over the world, a smile on every boy and girl-♥, edlyn(:
1:33 PM
LALALA!!!! More or less most of our exams are OVER I hope that we all do well^^ But from now until the day we get the results let us PARTY^^ Hehe!! can't wait for that to happen^^ HUGS^^, Isabella |