Boys like girls and girls eat mars
Tuesday, September 8, 2009 , 3:34 PM

Hey 62ians!

So far, people who are going for the outing TOMORROW : Isabella, Erwin, Wanshi, YuJing, WeiKit, SiRuo, Irin and Guallin. & me of course. Those who havent confirmed (but who are most likely going if time allows) are Siddartha, Vivien, Natalie, Nicholas, Luke & Miss Loh. The people who dont pick up my calls: Clarissa, Will, Bruce. So yup. There're not much people this time but its alright :) ten plus people will do okay. People in BOLD who are reading this right now, please take note of the info. I'm going to put it really BIG 'kay :D please read and follow!

09.09.2009 (COOL RIGHT :D), Wednesday. 
MEET OPPOSITE SAPS, THE VOID DECK AND FITNESS CORNER THERE, AT 1245(Fifteen minutes waiting time, people who are going to Cdans straight, or joining in halfway/only for the movie, please SMS me! I trust you all have my number. :) 
If you want to go for Lunch, then come hungry, if not eat lunch at home. If majority want Lunch, we'll probably go over to Gombak to eat.
We'll be going to Cdans first, then to West Mall for movie. Movie will be either G-Force, Bandslam or Aliens in the Attic. G-force and Aliens in the Attic are at 4. Bandslam is at 5, that's decided on majority too. 
Basically that's all, please bring AT LEAST $3.50 for Lasertag, plus $6 for Movie Prices (student price), and if you wanna eat lunch, then bring however much money you need for it. So basically, bring at least $10 :D and extra if you want. 

Okay, SEEYOU ALL TOMORROW! And those who havent confirmed (in blue italic,) expect a call from me or Nicholas by tonight.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009 , 11:18 PM
When I Say Jump You Say How High


HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY!:D Sorry, i'm a bit too late! HAHA, anyway, still, Happy happy teachers' day, especially to all the teachers that have taught us, hmm? STILL REMEMBER THEM, HAHAH!(: especially, hint hint, MISSLOH<333 :DDD

HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY TO ALL THE 62'08 TEACHERS!: MISS LOH, MR LATIFF, MR SIMON LEE, MRS YACOB, (and dont forget, ahem, cough cough, Siddartha, cough cough) MDM RASHIDA. HAHA, HAVE A VERY HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY! (or what's left of it anyway. HEEHE)

(interruption: those insane freaks went to remix Love Story by Taylor Swift. Hello, people, ruining the pretty song much? D: they remixed it till it was all rockish and stuff, eww. those people are super. yucky.)

Anyway, if you guys were wondering, i think i'll post the details about the class outing on the class blog now :D There's a poll that'll come up tomorrow or something, so yup, check it out under the tagboard alright :D (i know you all tag at the tagboard constantly, so yup, check it out tomorrow :D) Okay, here goes nothing.

Probably going to HOME TEAM NS (uh, it was formerly called CDans, ring a bell? The place we went when we were P3 for swimming lessons!:D), to play LaserTag, and after that we'll book a barbecue pit at GoodView Gardens and have a barbecue :DDD
It'll either be on a Wednesday or Thursday, from 2.30PM (14:30Hours) onwards. Poll will be put up tomorrow to decide which day (based on majority).
Meet up at 2.30PM opposite SAPS, the usual place lh :DDD
RSVP to (edlyn) OR email). Mass SMS will be sent out to the 30 people who gave me your number latest by next Monday. So yup, that's majority of the class. Those who havent given me your number please email it to me too.

Okay, that's it for today guys! Enjoy the last few minutes of teachers' day, although most of you are probably asleep by now. Most of you anyway. Those who are still chionging homework at this hour, seriously, good luck HAHA.

I'm not chionging homework, just staying up for the fun of it. Even though tomorrow i'll get horrible eyebags and look like a zombie, i dont feel tired now. Usually, i'll feel tired at about 10, but the tiredness will stop at 1045 :D HAHA, i was awake last night till half an hour past midnight. Insomniac O:

Happy last 40 minutes or so of teachers' day. I'm going to be up until the Muttons sing Musical Tuesday on 98.7, laughs :D
