Boys like girls and girls eat mars
Friday, December 18, 2009 , 9:58 PM

Hello 6-2ians!.

Your awesome organiser here :D We're having our fifth class outing on Monday, 21st of December! Basically, all the details are at that "Class Outings" segment of the blog below the tagboard, but for the sake of people who are too lazy to scroll down more, here's the details here:

Class Outing Five, 18th December, Monday.
Details as follows:
→Time: 4.30 to 9 plus :D
→BBQ at WCP, if possible, watch sunset, play games, eat food! If not, just a normal nighttime picnic :D
→Bring EXTRA CLOTHES, we're having a waterbomb fight! :D
→Bring about EIGHT DOLLARS(for food fee), and extra if you want

(updated December 18, 2009, 2138HRS)
People who are coming:
Siddartnha, Nicholas, GimBin, Erwin, PengLoon, Bryan, Miss Loh, Irin, YuJing, Vivien, Jasmine, Edlyn, WanShi, Natalie
People who should be/may be coming:
Vivien, Jevaun
People who aren't coming:
PinZhang, Yiyuan, Bryan, Bruce, Michael, SiRuo, Clarissa, YingJie, Guallin, JiaMin,

A special thank you to Nicky Tan, for helping me call all of those people for the class outing while I was a church camp :D Whoot!

THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO PICKED UP YOUR PHONE! And more thanks to people who can come! :)

I heart all of you!,