Boys like girls and girls eat mars | |
Friday, January 30, 2009
1:33 PM
We're all in this together, 62'08!
HI SIXTWO OHEIGHT (and maybe seniors and juniors) Well since Bella suggested to write a testimonial and since I'm so free apart from a stupid history assignment that my weird but funny ang moh teacher mr puffer gave that I don't have enough information because he did not give. Bahh. Shall stop it with the history assignment rant [: Hopefully it won't sound sucky or whatever. Because no INSPIRATION. I remembered when Mr Andy Wi (wait, is it the right spelling?) came to fivetwo ohseven to be a 'substitute' teacher for our music teacher. Cos I think that was the time where Miss Chiam left for further studies? Anyway, he told every single one of us our Primary Six classes in advance, except for me and certain other people. I so very wanted to join Bella and Nat in 62'08 because it will be fun. Hey Nat and Bels! Remember I've got the power?! LOL. It was so fun. And we were sitting next to each other. Fun times, fun times. Then finally Mr Wi told us our classes and yes! I got into 62'08! Hey why am I writing about Pri Five anyw? Nvm, moving on. So on the first day of P6, we were all sitted randomly in our classes. Then I first saw Miss Loh I was like. Nooo, scary teacher T.T. And when we went back to class we sat anyhow, and I took a sit next to Wan Shi, but in another group, since she was my friend since P4 [: Then Miss Loh moved us around, and hmph I didn't get to be next to Shiee. And I didn't really like Miss Loh because she appears to be soo scary. Then journal writing came along, I wrote some stuff, and wheew, Miss Loh didn't seem so scary after all. She told me too that one of the seniors said that Miss Loh was an 'angel' out of the class and a 'devil' in it. Months passed and I started to enjoy myself in sixtwo oheight. I noticed that Ms Loh was super duper sarcastic and super duper 'poor' and super duper good hearing and super duper 'OLD'. Well she lies about her age. And she doesn't say that she's younger. She says that she's older than her real age. O.o It was soo fun in sixtwo oheight. Even though I hated some of the classmates there. A lot of things brought us closer as a class and We're all in this together, right? Oh, fyi why we (me, edlyn and nic mostly) want to start Operation 'kick shiee's ass start arson attack wif burning spoon' because shiee wants to join stupid freaky judo that has practices on a freaking Saturday. WTF right? I made up the decision, edlyn's helping me, and Nic's tagging along [: Because Saturday we have appointment to meet. And if shiee doesn't come, I will personally find her and kick her sorry ass. Sorry Miss Loh for the not-so-vulgar language [: Yeah, I should be going to do my assignment now, since the deadline is at 12.midnight tonight. Tootles! Vivien (:
Thursday, January 29, 2009
9:47 PM
29th Jan 2009
Hiesss!!!! So every1 still so hyper compared to when the last few weeks of pri 6? Sure no... but if u r....u r abnormal.......ok nvm. So hows ur school ...... gd? or bad..... sure made new friends hiax but for me haix my partner... vulagar boy everyday f here f there 1 then kani****** then teacher turn around then middle finger. Lols i want to change place!! Stupid also 2day the ncc stupid ppl.... when we fall in the stupid ppl go n zhi xiao us example the boy stand in front the another boy stand behind then u guys noe wad....then comes the sound n we are not suppose to laugh......ok nvm isit lame..... So now to main point. Miss Loh told us i dunno u guys got hear, coming back sec1 is not a challenge while the real challenge is if we can still come back as a class in sec 3 althought we might not be as close ( i dunno i told some of u but i also dunno u guys understand anot) but u guys should....ok now for fun.... 'kick shiee's ass start arson attack wif burning spoon' will start if wan shi go n join judo in nan yang girls sch i tell u y next time. shiee is wan shi.ok so take note i will tell u guys whether she joining judo or not if yes then meet me at nan yang then we start fire . so thats all bye guys! Your friend , Nicholas
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
10:14 PM
HELLO SIXTWO2008; Haha, Bella suggested we do a testi for the class so, yeahhh, I'll do one now, before I sleep :D (btw, my Physics teacher didnt come today, so technically, I havent slept this morning yet :X) Hm, so at the beginning of the year, I came into 62 classroom, practically hating everything that there was in that room (because I wanted to be in the class next door, ie, 61'08 cos I spent like, 3 solid years with mostly the same people there in 61'08), especially that strict and angry teacher standing in front of me (ie, Ms Loh). Hm, so when I found out i was sitting next to a guy (ie, gimbin) I was pissed off. haha. I wanted to sit with WanShi! Haha. hm, when we started lessons, the only people I was willing to talk to were 51ians of 2007. Haha, antisocial ya? So as the school year went on, I really started to like 62. Haha, and suddenly, 62 wasnt living hell for me anymore, and I really became friends with most of the nice people there, they werent freaky people sent to make my last year in SAPS miserable that fierce teacher wasnt fierce anymore, she was nice and friendly :D it all turned out well. We persevered as one class, through the moutains of homefun before PSLE, through PSLE, our first ultra important paper of all our years of living, and we had fun and played our heads off during the last few weeks we had together as a class, with all our burden gone :D We had ultra unforgettable memories, through our prep for PSLE and our post PSLE activities. We were, at the beginning, just a bunch of people from different P5 classes, put together in one room, but through everything we've done, we worked for, and through all the laughter and fun stuff, we bonded as one class, one sixtwo2008 of saint anthony's primary school. And our PSLE results really showed how much work we put into getting wonderfullll results. We matched up to 62'07 Maths (Like Bella pointed out ^^), even though it seemed like we couldnt, and we did our best. Even now, in different schools, please please please, always remember that you're forever and ever part of sictwo2008, and forever an Anthonian. You'll never walk alone. Even though we may have our whole lives ahead of us, and that we might hear from our relatives or Seniors that Primary School friends never really last your whole life, it might not be the case for you. Prove them wrong! :D Remember all your Primary School friends, who saw you grow up from P1 to P6, who've been with you through thick, through thin, through all your ups and downs and emos and happys. Remember all your Primary School teachers(especially Ms Loh. If you forget her... I dont know what'll happen to you :D) who've helped you, who've taught you, who've guided you to be who you are now. If it werent for them, you'd probably not know about Circles and their Areas, stuff like that. So, yeah. That's all. bytheway, dont cry haha, to all of you super sensitive people :D <3 hahahha, jk. SIXTWO2008 FTW FTW FTW! ONCE AN ANTHONIAN, ALWAYS AN ANTHONIAN. <3 always; 62ian(2008) always, Anthonian, always, edlyn.
9:55 AM
HELLO :D LOL, IT Lesson. Muahaha. So, it was good to see all of you (not all lah, but MOST :D) on the 23rd! 62'08 FTW :D Hahahaha. So anw, I'm NOT looking forward to Physics Lab later. I'll prob ko (: hahahah. I'll post when I get home (: loveeeee, edlyn
Friday, January 23, 2009
10:26 PM
MUST! vte pls! Voting closed=(
9:36 PM
23th Jan 2009
Yo guys! Happy after today right? But after a blink it is already going to Feb liaos.... noticed that? Anyway we are going out 2moro me+ gim bin + weikit + edlyn + wan shi+ miss loh n myabe vivien but too bad guys is last minute de hahas. Just a quick 1. SO gd luck guys, for the rest of the year n dun't miss any time that u hv to go back to SAPS but not every day coz miss loh is very bz u guys should noe, Becoz she is a kind and generous teacher, right? SO jiayous guys. Gd luck. Your friend, Nicholas.
5:03 PM
OK. here's a little something for 6-2. Oh, when I said I was at Macs, I meant when we went together as a class to macs^^ Ok, I was on the verge of tears at macs. I just sat down and thought. About 6-2'08. I looked around, we're all in different schools. But we still like, are rather bonded. So here's a testimonial. To 6-2'08. I sit down and look at all of the different uniforms we're wearing. Some, RV, NH. But when we come together, we're still 6-2'08. It's like as though nothing can seperate us. We shared many fond memories. Like how we can really be cheeky. All doing the same funny things. And laugh our heads off with Siddartha's ego~ and funny comments and actiond, Faeriq's weird but yet funny comments. I can't stop myself from missing all you guys. No matter the bad times we have, no matter the quarrels, we still got pass all that. Now we are all leading different lifes. Different paths. But I know we'll always remember 6-2'08. After Sec school. There's poly/jc/mi but I believe even after that, we can still meet each other. All the weird things that happen. Being in 6-2'08 really made a difference. We have made ur mark in SAPS. I asked Miss Loh, using one word, to describe our class. She said Lively. Which then she also said Determined. We were a lively bunch. Thus, lessons weren't so boring. There's constant laughter. We didn't really felt the drag to go to school. Then there's determination. Oh we were determined alright. How at the end, we were on par with 6-2'07 for maths. I think we all took it as a challenge. to work hard and achieve. Ms Loh, she's even proud of us, despite our quite regular disrespectful behaviour. We really need to thank Ms Loh, she helped us through that one hard and pressurizing year. She persevered as much as we did. She didn't give up on us, despite the fact that we have dissapointed her. So Ms Loh, thank you. For everything. I'll always remember to take a step back and thank God for putting me in 6-2'08. I 'll always remember everyone in 6-2'08. The following is all out of pure memory. In order too. Richie,Irin,ChangHowe,Me,PinZhang,YuJing,ZhiSheng,WanShi,Bryan, Weikit.(Group1) Clarissa,KaiXiang,Alvis,JiaMin,Gerard,Jasmine,Faeriq,YiYuan,Vivien, Siruo.(Group2) Will,Shriya,YingJie,Michael,Joshua,Natalie,Guallin,PengLoon,Jagatheesh,Nicholas,Bruce(Group3) Edlyn,Gimbin,Fiona,Siddartha,Akshaya,Erwin,Jevaun,YongXin,Luke,Justin(Group4) Those 16 sugar-y girls, 25 spice-y guys and one everything's nice Ms Loh. Cheers for 6-2'08 3 CHEERS AND 3 CHEERS AND 3 CHEERS for 6-2! HIP HIP HURRAY! HIP HIP HURRAY! HIP HIP HURRAY! Sixtwo-Oheight, I love you guys, {copied from my blog}
Thursday, January 22, 2009
8:50 PM
22th Jan 2009
Raaaaa! Hand pain leg pain stomach pain zzzzzz my whole body in pain u will know y if u in my clas 106 and join my cca ncc!!! anyways so excited bout 2moro not becoz of celerations becoz of going back to SAPS!! Lols r teacher kept making us do push up which was very fun but your shoulders would be in pain juz like me!zzzzz not kidding u after the push up and sit up then 2km run hahaha! Noe y i laugh? coz every1is tired... lame right? after that go recess blah blah blah then came lunch best sia! NOt becoz of food but becoz now i hv crystal lancer and crystal joster those who play duelmasters should noe ok so after that ncc. so first we train for sediya and senandiri if my spelling wrong dun't blame mi so after that they told us that we are doing company run to somewhere to the farm mart. From bukit panajang to farm mart?????? We take bus or drive there now we jog/run there then we jog/run back? Not gd sia!So we started to jog from bukit panjang to farm mart then i saw the track was wrong how come we jogging to goodview where is very near to SAPS run/jog there funny right stupid right u go i see how many of you can last it.So we ran n ran n jog n jog and walk and walk n finally we reached there. N my mouth thristy so thristy. Wished that it rained so got free water cooler jk. After the jog to good view the head of ncc my maths teacher haha told us that refreshments are cmoing woah!!!! finally got water so we all jogged n jogged and jogged but then no water boy zzzzz then my maths teacher said the water boy went wrong direction zzzz went t farm mart then we said wad the hell zzzzz make us ran so much then no water so then we got (S clap clap clap clap C clap clap clap clap A clap clap clap clap M clap clap clap clap) S-C-A-M scam!!!! then we went back n blah blah blah so we go take our bags prepare to go hmoe then they say erm cannot walk out of sch with full pe must half uni zzzz nid to change. !@#% so changed then went home tired sia so anyways juz come for tomoro dun't disappoint miss loh k? your friend, Nicholas
4:43 PM
HELLO :D Omg omg omg omg! TOMORROW GOING BACK SAPS!! i cant be more happier :D SIXTWO2008 remember to go back to saintanthony's tomorrow! :D :D :D I miss all of yous to the max!! :D :D :D (: edlyn
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
9:17 PM
HIEEEE :D SIXTWO OI!! :D Haha so I hope most of you can come back on the TWENTY THIRD OF JANUARY TWO-OH-OH-NINE (23.01.09) ohkay! I really need to see you all! Go to SAPS STRAIGHT after school! I'm going to reach school about, lets say 1145? Cos I'm going in SAPS with WanShi, and I dont have school so I'm pretty flexible. (: SInce WanShi's going back at 1145-1200 so I go back with her! (: Omggg, I have CNY celebrations tomorrow! (: IT'LL CUT INTO CHINESE (cheers~) hahahaha. ohkay, Physics was really boring I tell you. Nat(haha, new friend, not this class that Nat) and I were close to sleeping lah. Physics was like Maths lesson man. ): ): Oh, my Lab Coat is giant manzxz! ): i'm so going to sweat in that thing tomorrow during Biology. omgg, Hyper :D loves <3 (: edlyn
9:03 PM
Hi fellow 62'08ians and PEOPLE out there! I MISS YOU 62IANS! Haha, seriously , i miss you guys and SAPS of course(: SO I HOPE TO SEE YOU PEOPLE ON THE 23 OF JANUARY KAYS? WEAR YOUR SECONDARY SCHOOL UNIFORM TOO^^ I will reach SAPS around 12 coz it takes 45mins to 1hour to reach SAPS from school and i am supposed to dash off the classroom right at 11am!Heh,so... OTHER 62IANS, PLEASE TREAT THIS DAY SERIOUSLY :) And, are you guys surviving in sec sch? For me, MATHS IS KILLING ME! I SERIOUSLY DON'T UNDERSTAND ALL THOSE STUFF ,EG:factorisation? LOL. SO, I AM GONNA FAIL MY TESTS): SADD... I REPEAT Arh , COME ON THE 23 OF JANUARY, ST.ANTHONY'S PRI SCH! meet you there !! Wanshi(:
9:23 AM
HEY SIXTWO!! I'm in the place where they carry out Academic torture!! SCHOOL! this is supposed to be IT lesson, but our IT teacher is absent! So we get free time on the computer for an hour! Sweet right? :D :D :D Hmm, I have CHINESE after this! D: Eeeeks. Hmm, now its chaos in the computer lab! yayeeee finally some noise here :D yayeeee yaw! I think I'll post after school, later in the after noon. eeeeks, I still have Chinese and Physics! ): Miss you all mannnnnnzzzz! Must go back SAPS on Friday ohkay! MUST ): at least try laah. <3 edlyn
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
8:56 PM
HIHIHIHI :D How's secondary school? It USED to be fun fun during Orientation, but now, ._. omggg. So much homefun! Haha, maybe cos we lived like, from October to January without doing any homefun /: That's like four months! Wowww haha x) ohkay, so tomorrow I have IT Lessons again!! (: Hehe, wonder if I can come post again (: HAHA. hmm, two more days of Academic Torture for me ): Three more for y'all am I right? HAHA (: yayeee MGS Friday no school hahah, I'm reallyyyy excited! :D :D :D so, I'm still hoping ALL of yous can come! I really really miss 62'08 ): Its pretty boring when you're in an all girls school you know?? one, there are absolutely no boys. Boring ohkay ): There's no one in class to like, tell jokes so the class is. very. very. quiet. Hmmm. OH! I have to do GYM for PE. GYMMMM!! We learned how to do HEAD/HAND STANDS. Whoooooaaaa. Very hard to do ohkay ): you need like, support from your friend ._. go try do a handstand (: hm, kay byeee (: See if I can post in IT class again! :D <3 edlyn
Monday, January 19, 2009
8:47 PM
HEY SIXTWO2008! :D I'm really really really hyped about Friday! :D omg, I loveee not having school on Friday! :D hehehehe! :D so yaaaa, hyper :D Looking forward forward! (: So, I have to stand three more days of pure Academic torture (plus, I need to climb a HILL in order to get to my school, and its really tiring. Some more early in the morning lah, sighs D:), then I'll be able to see you all (: Hmm, so yguys mid if you tell me whether you're going or not? I'm interested to know heehee x) So, here's who's coming back till NOW: Meme! Viv Jasmine YuJing WanShi, Nicholas, Isabella, Justin, Fiona. Haha, that's all I know :D So I'll post again tomorrow :D edlyn!! (: ![]()
Friday, January 16, 2009
3:02 PM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
10:11 PM
HELLO SIXTWO2008 good luck in school tomorrow (: I changed the blogskin. I made that picture with photobucket (: :D edlyn
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
9:25 AM
SIXTWO2008<3 Helloooo how's secondary school? I'm in my school's IT Lab right now :D Fun fun fun! We just had our picture taken. Very brighttt!! ): hmmm, so I just finished my LA period! Aft this is RECESS (: goodddd cos I'm starving ): haha. 10am is our earliest recess alr!! ): omg, saddd ): I wonder when my teacher will be ready for the actual IT Lesson, so I'd better sign off now teehee xD Miss you guys loadssss people (: loves (: edlyn
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
9:11 PM
HELLO 62'08, omg, I'm not used to Sec1!! I just went back to saps yesterday yayeeee :D :D :D Saps got repainted it looks gooooood heeee xDD hmmmm, Remember to go back during Chinese New year!! (: YAYE I got IT Lessons tomorrow (: Hmm, let me see if I can sneaky a post here haha (x IT Lessons are really cool, they involve computers :D :D :D yayee the love :D hmm, we're taking individual photos tomorrow for some reason, so I wonder if we have free time while the rest of the people take their individual photos (x Hmmm. Ohkay, that's all I think. I MISS YOU PEOPLE SO PLS SHOW UP :D Wheeeee :D :D :D cheers (: edlyn
Monday, January 12, 2009
8:48 PM
I know you haven't heard from me like FOREVER, BUT, anyways, HELLO MOTTO!!! ohgosh. I miss sixtwo-oheight like hell! We ARE the best. I love CTSS! hahahahahahaha!! Got like a LOT of new friends! Will be joining netball. 95% chance! The coach said that I look atheletic and like a NetBall player! MUAHAHAHAHHAHA! Well, I have the best teachers ever. Except my PE teacher. Who can compare to MrLEE? and my form Teacher also my Eng Teacher. WHOCANCOMPAREWITHMSLOH?! HAHA! MSLOH'S THE BEST MAN! Well I have the COOLEST conversational malay teacher! HAHA. He VERY old. Hesaid, Hello, I'm Mr Murad. I'm from AFRICA. He looked so damn serious. Then suddenly he said. That was meant to be a joke. MY WHOLE CLASS CRACKED UP. Having a CAMP soon! HAHA! Geez. SO FAST! And I have like TESTS coming up lehs. WAAAAA! Anyways. LOVE62'O8 FOREVER! It's deep in my heart! Kisses from mua! BELLA<33333>
Friday, January 9, 2009
6:04 PM
HI 62-ians and fellow people out there , I have received news that Ms Loh is still teaching 6-2 , cuz my friend's brother is in the current 62class and the form teacher is Ms Loh !! SOO.....*CLAPS!* NOW WE KNOW WHERE TO FIND HER :D How's your orientation? Mine ended and i received a COOL certicate that certifies that i gone though sec 1 orientation. LOL. Ok first day of lessons today and there's already homework... Abit bored... Anyway, signing off here ! With lotsa love , Wanshi (:
Thursday, January 8, 2009
5:32 PM
count yourselves lucky,mixedschspeople!;)
HI 6-2'08ians!!!!!! This is me second post here. LOL so pathetic i know.:) Anws, like wanshi said, girls school not so fun. So we rely on dramatics and Mr M(iranda)(my "Communicative" Arts teacher) for laughs. No one from 6-2 in Crez,only Akshaya but she's AWOL,i can't find her ANYWHERE,but there's Emerald from 6-1, Valarie also 6-1 and Chi Sin from 6-3 there... Anws, how are you guys??? Are your schools nice? Do you find school tedious?For people who went to boys schs:any prospective gays?:) girls schs:any "desparadoes"(so desparate for male company that they swoon at the sight of even the ugliest of males) or proscpective les?:):) FOR ALL: Just some good luck to survive this year,at least until Teachers Day after you've visited Ms Loh.:) Is the food at your schs better than SAPS's? Ours have vending machines(that never work),ice coffee(HEARTS!!!:)),ice kachang and alot of nice desserts.:) The spaghetti's still watery though... Oh and Ed/Viv,i can't come on Friady,I have stuff at school. And Shie(wanshi): Waht time do you arrive at your school?Tag at my blog please.:) Kay,gotta go,BBIES!!! Cheers! Krys/Jing Yu Jing P.S Ms Loh,how's your new class? Are they as good as we were???:)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
2:55 PM
hello, everybody!
So tired. Got headache and sore throat. Bahh. Anyways had some fun yesterday playing the 'Amazing Race'. My first clue was like, Masteration Time or something like that. The whole class was like 'WHAT THE ****' does that mean. OK, they didn't say that, but I would. And personal torture, we had to connect to others physically. My class is have to hold shoulders, damn sore lorh Dx But didn't win. 03 won ): So whatever, my orentation week tomorrow play 240 mins challenge. 5 dry games and 5 wet games, whooo, but like end at 5, so will be super tired. and this two days mass dance, the song was like, weird 0.0 The whole week we had to do cheers, had to shout/cheer/whatever so loud sore throat le 0.0 Hmph, sad, but sometimes fun. Then the 04 was like, in class super hyper, in hall horh, literally can hear crickets chirping or whatever is that the crickets do. LOL. I'm so tired tonight must sleep early le. Edlyn Tay, did I not tell you to advertise the class forum?? So we have a class forum up, you can chat, and also spam in the spam section. But you have to sign up to do so. Other class members can also sign up, but please do tell us WHO and WHICH SAPS class you came from. ;D Any questions? Not answering. Anyway, I gotta go do other things before I turn off the laptop. Byee. vivien (:
9:39 AM
HI super quick post now in school bye hoope you like school edlyn
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
9:03 PM
HI DEAR PEOPLE OF 62'08!! <3<3<3 Omg, miss yous! (: Before I do ANYTHING, HAPPY 100TH POST!! we've come a long way as a class! ilys<3 hey, together forever, remember? :D Ohkay, so I'll post about my day! Today's SPORTS CARNIVAL! :D It was fun! Ohkay I'll tell y'all the games we played! :D 1) SQUASH. Squash was funny! The door to the Squash Court was so dang hard to open! The racquets are very sweatyyyy haha! (: Yknw in Squash, you're supposed to hit the ball with the racquet so it bounces off the wall? The ball bounced off me ._. Serious, I think I hit the ball too hard so when it bounced back from the wall, it hit my shoulder and bounced off me ._. I'm very good at Sports yeah? (: 2)CAPTAINS BALL. This one had the least injuries (: Cos I know how to play! Last year (omf, last year ): )we played like, nearly every PE lesson (for us girls lah)!! So was quite fun! Except for the fact that we need to differentiate the two teams right? So one team had to wear a bib. That was my team. we looked so funny xD 3)HEY BATTER BATTER HEY BATTER BATTER SWAAANNNGGG!(softball2) Ahhhh, this was the funniest one! I know its very mean to laugh at other people but its dang funny when you swinggg and then you miss the ball or you knock off the stand!! So its super duper cool (: 4)THROW AND CATCH (softball1) This one was the most painful. We paired up according to index number. One of us threw the ball while the other used this big (stinky) glove to catch the ball. I tell you the ball was harddd mans. If you dont catch the ball and you dont get away in time for the ball to not to hit you, you'll get hit and i tell you it hurts. I got hit like four times in four different places. chest, leg, arm, foot. ouch. 5)SPRINT. This was the fastest one so far. you just run and get it over with(: Simple(: Kay, I hope you'll like the rest of your secondary school life! Smile people! Rmb go back visit SAPS ohkayyy! edlynn!! saying i heart sixtwo (:
9:02 PM
The special 99th post !! (: (: (: SMILES (: (: (:
Hii 62ians !! I miss all of you and SAPS VERY MUCH !! I seriously don't enjoy myself at NY ;X Are you guys enjoying yourselves in your secondary school? Anw, my orientation started today and we had a (Amazing Race) Anw, Girls school are quite boring. You hardly can get any jokers that can cheer you up. So those that went to a mixed school , count yourself lucky ! (: And dear 62ians, did you people make new friends ? (: I find it quite hard to make new friends coz I don't find interest in other girls' conversation. And moreover, almost everyone in my class has their own friend/friends except me ! :o So i am frequently left behind ALONE by my class:l It's quite pathetic ): Ps for talking abit too much , coz this is the 99th post for 62'o8 blogg ! ;D **HAPPY 99th POST !** GOOD LUCK, Wanshi (: (:
Monday, January 5, 2009
3:09 PM
HIEE 62'08 <3 How's your second day of school!? I have homefun already mannnn! I'm supposed to state and apply the tests of divisibilty. Omg Idk what that even means, but whatevs, I'm taking some gifted Maths thing so its not supposed to make sense xD Maths isnt very appealing to me now hahaha xD I'm in MGS, Secondary 1S!! Idk what that "S" stands for but I can roughly guess laah hahah!! Soooo, my class is all girls! Very sad ohkay, I'm used to seeing guys like, eeehhhh-verywhere!! Btw, my class is so quiet ._. everybody whispers and its like, very sad, class isnt fun cos no one says anything funny ._. I miss Siddartha, Faeriq etc right now xDD haha, my form teacher's name is Mrs Loh hahaha xDDD I hope y'all like your schoools!! I want to go back SAPS haha! I miss it there manxzxzxz ): ): ): edlyn;
Sunday, January 4, 2009
8:33 PM
HELLOOOOO!! Omg, are you excited for school tomorrow!?!?!? I'm nawt really. Tomorrow I have Chapel and I need to go find out my class(which idk yet omf 0.0) and where my classroom is to put my bag then report in some Hall idk where it is and so I have to sacrifice sleep aaahhhh!! Orientation was funny. We played super alot of games! Like one where people had to go to the middle of the circle formed by our OG and ask people random questions like, "Have you gone to the dentist?" If yes then you have to run to another seat in the circle and sit down. the last one to sit down will be the one in the middle of the circle. the rest to tired to explain. xDD kay, hope you'll enjoy tomorrow(: 62'08 forever xDD edlyn!!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
1:49 PM
New School D;
Hiee, how you're liking your new schools huh? Personally it was okay for me, but I happened to transfer out of 05 to 04. I hate transfers. And so I was like thinking a LOT of bad words inside my mind and stuff, oh and some 'VIP' came along and there was the dragon dance or whatever thing and man, IT WAS LOUD. I think there were some of the 'better' classes in front. Ay, you people wanna deaf them so they cannot hear and not do well, izzit??? Oh, and to Nicholas earlier post (and he himself), Natalie Khoo does not go to BP, in fact she goes to SOTA, which is good, for her. And the parade grounds sucks! D: Everyone's bottoms were either white (if it's a darker shade, like my skirt) or faded-brownish greyish (if it's a light shade like the boy's pants). Bahh, I DON"T LIKE transfers. The teacher seems scarier than my older one (although it was for a few hours D: ). Tag in the cbox about your days, pleeeeease?? LOL, I'm now in the same class as Clarissa. LOL. And Ms Loh, I'm not sure if the teachers are as nice as you D; And btw, tell us your new class!!! hates transfers,, Yvivieenn ;D
1:25 PM
2nd Jan 2009
hohoho! Hi guys all in your school unis liaos dunt think i will recognize u guyssss. Anyway i juz saw natellie at bukit panang but i dunno is it her or maybe i mistaken lol (no one told me she going there). Anyways to my friends in bukit panjang, happy with wad the parade square ground did to your shirts n shorts!? Hahaha! sure no right? To the rest off my friends gd luck for your exams and meet u guys on teachers' days on september S.A.P.S! And also Miss Loh u hvn't told me which class u teaching.....zzz... Your friend, Nicholas.(A BPian now but still a 6-2ain forever)
Thursday, January 1, 2009
5:14 PM
Dearest 6-2 '08 (and 6-2 '07), Happy New Year! Hope life in secondary school will be just as great as life in primary school! Hope your teachers are as nice as me! Hopefully, my pupils this year will be as wonderful as all of you :] Remember the class, remember us... Your kind, understanding and generous teacher (always), Miss Loh |