Monday, March 30, 2009
8:32 PM
hellooo 62'08 and beyond!★ omh, i'm getting lazier and slackier by the day :X stopped posting for like a few days alr! omg. haha so anyways! today was really slack in school as in whole day stone ._. uber tired! omh, i want to KILL the person who invented Algebra (turns out to be this old Egytian dude who is, probably dead by now. so practically, i cant kill him). anyways, my teacher said to print a picture of his face, put it on the wall and throw razor-sharpish-chemically-induced-and-highly-killer darts at the picture (uhmm of course my teacher didnt say that, i just changed the "darts" into "razor-sharpish-chemically-induced-and-highly-killer darts"). haha anyhoos, half our class had this incredibly idiotic Art Oral exam today. I alr to the exam last week! when my art teacher wasnt here, and this relief art teacher came and took us for the test. i can say she looks MUCH nicer than my art teacher who looks incredibly funny-looking, and my friend said that she couldnt bear to look at my art teacher face to face during her exam today, because she knows she'll burst out laughing. omh [: gah, Algebra KILLS. i was like, practically sleeping during Maths lesson (although i never do, cos i only sleep during 1h20min lessons/physics/chinese) and we were doing this oh-so-super-boring worksheet, while my teacher was starting up the computer. Thennn, the computer started beeping non-stop (kinda like some BOMB :D) soooo while we were oh-so quietly doing our work, we could hear our teacher telling the computer to shut up LOL! we were like O_O LOL... hahah! Secondary School is incredibly weird. And oh, April Fools Day HAS to be on a Wednesday, where none of our fun-loving teachers are taking us for Lesson. Instead, we have double period Physics which is an awful pain yaw ._. anyhoos! HAHA, MUST VOTE OHKAY! FOR THE CLASS TEEEE! (: MUST HAHA! omh, the only class tee we have is the one Bella, Nat and i bought for her for teachers' day, and we designed it. HAHA. hmm, so yes. shall end of here, post tmr or something. i think i should sleep earlier, but YAYE [: my LaoShi's not coming tmr! :D edlyn
6:06 PM
OMGGG. The class blog is like so dead. Gah. UPCOMING EVENTSWe have Founder's Day coming up really soon, and if Miss Loh says it's okay, we can return to SAPS. Yaye. But there's a slight chance that we can't return to SAPS, since it's a half day and the teachers might not be in school. Sad lorh. Someone would update (probs me or edlyn) will tell you more about this information, but leave your Friday open please! You don't wanna miss a chance of returning to SAPS. I know some of you can't make it, but if you can, try to come even after whatever events you have, if they end within the time we'd be meeting. But if any events that end like super late, then nevermind, at least you tried. So the most information I can give you is; Founder's Day -3rd April, this coming Friday. -aft sch?? -SAPS?Remember it's not totally confirmed, but if we can't meet at SAPS, we'll figure out a way to meet up. More updates later. CLASS TEES!I've been considering about this for some time. And seeing that all of you adore Sixtwo Oheight ( Right?!?), we might get a class tee for each and every one of us. Just that you make sure you pay for yourself and appear whenever we're passing the class tee or sth. There's a poll below this post, so please vote, and leave a name too. If majority wants a class tee, we're getting a class tee. But if some people really DON'T want a class tee, you can don't get it. Maybe if we want to do something cheap we can just get some plain tees and decorate it with sixtwo oheight-ish stuff. Please vote. Even if majority doesn't want I'm still getting myself a class tee [: -Vivien♥
Thursday, March 26, 2009
8:57 PM
HELLIO SIXTWO-OHEIGHT. omg. today my class Napfa 2.4km run over le. Yayeee. I wasn't the last fewww yayeee. In fact I was pretty much in the middle. Yayeee. LOL.
Sorry for that hyperness. Someone hit my sore arm. D:
Weell, if Miss Loh can confirm, we might be able to return to SAPS on Founder's Day, which is the 3rd of April. And make sure all of you come and leave your contact with Miss Loh or Edlyn, cos it's uber hard to contact people. Especially since we're gonna hold a class outing during the June holidays.
Safari sucks uh. Especially when you're using the Cbox. Firefox all the wayy. IE sucks too.
Well, I have to go do sth else. But rmb return to SAPS on Founder's Day if Miss Loh gives the green light ohkay.
P/S: I made a sixtwo-oheight theme (compatible for Sony Ericsson phones-not those old ones ar) which I bet is sucky. But I'm giving it to those who have SE phones. Lalala.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
3:58 PM
Hello Earthlings of the Planet Earth [esp. 62'08 :D] hmm, this is so dead, i'm the only one posting. Actually its not dead, since i'm posting but, neverminds, gahhh. someone who has the password, PLEASE POST! Zee-ohmygosh! Anyone who's interested in posting, please get the username and password for me. Tag my blog (under affiliates) and leave your email. ohkay, that shall be all. edlyn[:  p/s during Assembly, we were all sitting in the hall on chairs. i got sent to sit at the row of chairs behind my class because i was laughing at what the person said during her speech. i wasnt even laughing like loudly! what the flipping feathers, rights. Zomg /: My formteacher doesnt wear black for one day and goes freaking out of her mind LOL. picture on the left (: [click to enlarge]
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
4:29 PM
HELLO SIXTWO08! ♥♥♥ I shall tell you abt my Lit test. LOL. it was 20 true or false questions! So i just guessed my way through! YAYE[: no open-ended. Saffy's Angel IS quite nice thoughs. LOL. oh yes, i did sleep during Physics. Weeell, actually i closed my eyes (: My Physics teacher was too caught up ranting abt Sloping Graphs or something to notice! LUV(: Hmm, so i did my Gym Routine today! Zomg we had to smile alllll the way and my cheeks completely hurted. hmm, so our song was UPSIDE DOWN *smiles* yaye [: we {Being my fantabulous Gym team (: } completely ROCKED. haha. We did Sudoku for Maths. (Being completely dumb)I used like, what, half of my correction tape cos i did it in PEN!? LOL, my teacher was like being random all the way. We were doing our Sudoku-s and being really quiet {Girls' School, yeah} whileeee our teacher was talking away. To herself. LOL! that was super random LOL. hmm. We had 1 period extra of Recess {: bye♥ edlyn
Monday, March 23, 2009
10:36 PM
HELLO SIXTWO2008. Ohmygosh this is out of pure boredom. zomg. now no homefun to post gahs D: i think i shouldnt sleep. shall sleep during Physics instead! (: Have you HEARD my Physics teacher's lessons!?!? you should, cos it sounds like Bella's Lulluby{: OMG HAVE I TOLD YOU TWILIGHT ROCKS!?!? LOL. IT DOES OHKAY. I WANT THE DVD. Thirty dollars, someone please buy it for me for some weird end of March Holidays Present, or somethingy. going crazy doing random quizzes on facebook! (: thanks for telling me i'm a chocolate bar, fb. i'd love to be eaten. thanks, thanks so much. so anyways. LOL. omg, its been like, 10weeks apart!?!?!? ohkayyyy, srsly no emo stuff, but isnt ten weeks a superduper ultra long long long time!?!? i think so man. omg, kay, wish me luck on my highly moronic Lit test tmr Its abt Saffy's Angel (: see y'all soonnn. edlyn
Friday, March 20, 2009
2:51 PM
HELLO SIXTWO♥ zomg, the holidays are super close to ENDING. How super sad D: Who in the world wants to go back to Secondary School. Welllll, NOT ME :D anyhoos, short post. gotta go post on my blog now! (: I miss SIXTWO2008 GAH. D: edlyn
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
10:21 AM
HELLO SIXTWO!♥ I sooo hope you like the new skin! I did the picture all by myself! (: I'm good, rights? YAYEEE[: hmm, so hope the holidays are good right now! because I'M really much enjoying my holidays. I mean, who wants to go back to SECONDARY SCHOOL, phft. Secondary school is SUCH A DRAG YAW. So, yes, i hope you like the new skin. Haha, this skin is actually the skin i used for my class(1S!)'s class blog, but since its so nice, i decided to use it again! (: LOVE. haha. the icon is COOL RIGHT? the gray words are all our names! (: YAYE. GO SIXTWO. Ohkay, i wish all of you can go to the next class outing, hurrh! or it wont be a class outing anymores ): hmm, kay, bye. edlyn
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
6:38 PM
CCAs...please taaaag!:]
Hi People!!! So sad,we're not having class outing...I miss you guys (and gals,too.:]^^) OUR CLASS SEEMS TO BE FALLING APAAAAART! NOOOOOOO!!!!! You know that thought is terribly deppressing? y'all are the last class which i heard gay jokes from!:} Anws,i was just wondering(am i saying that in every post i do?) what all of your CCAs are. I'm in ELDDS! English Literiture Drama and Debate Soceity,but my spelling still sucks :3 We basically do NOTHING.:D but very boring cause we're only reading books and doing reviews(that IS nothing)...-.- i know.The seniors are doing SYF so,yeah.:] Oh and BTW,they are hilarious...:} I heard that some of you are in NC/NP.Scary anot?:] The NC/NP girls in my class (they're ALL girls :]) are always fretting:"OMGOMG mam coming!!!Greet anot ah???" and then end up ignoring the senior.:]*my brother is shoting me with rubber bands 0.0* Anws,how's school these days? A lot of home(not)fun? And how were your common tests?(I didn't know i had common tests until I got the paper.:]) I failed my maths!(sry ms loh :B)Oh gawd have to go do maths.D: ok byeeeee people!Au revoirHasta la vistaCiao!!!Cheers!Yu Jing/Krys
2:06 PM
9:09 AM
Hey Sixtwo2008♥ posted; hm. so there isnt really a lot of people going to the class outing. please confirm with me. not all of you are so busy that you cant go to the class outing right? please go. ya, we're going to Escape. arent you happy!? haha. but srsly pls go. this is a class outing kayyy. try to go? cos right now i think there's less than ten people. hmm so please try to go ohkay. have the 62 spirit! please tell every 62ian you know abt this and try to get everyone to go. thanks. edlyn p/s sorry for lack of enthu. just feeling ............. right now.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
10:50 PM
15th March 2008
Hi!!! I falling asleep but i dun wanna to sleep... Anyways juz a short post n wanna wake u guys up that our class is falling apart!!!! It is not even half a year it is like we had nvr noe each other..... wish that the class outing would bring us 2gether but i noe tat alot of you wouldn't be going.... i also noe that some of ur parents say that forget ur primary sch friendsssss get on wif life....lols wad is their prob?? but haha my parents will nvr say that... ok also to inform u that i m going to hv a new blog thanks to vivien and photo bucket and btw i found a very majestic background for my blog!!!! Ra sure u ppl like it. ANYWAYS jy for ur ct dun be as bad as me haix my evil rating is 97!!! if u wanna noe urs msg me or call me thank you very much.... Your winter friend, Nicholas!!!! Ok it was raher short!!! Hahaha!
10:21 AM
ohmygawd. Our class blog is getting deader and deader every moment! Uh, Isabella, could you leave your name the next time you post, people might not know who posted. O.O Or maybe they do know, but whatevs. Eeek, the rest of you who haven't confirm PLEASE confirm with Bella or Edlyn! It's the frigging class outing kayy, and myGOSH, you should all give some contact info to them. It's hard to track people down. Not all of us have spies *stares accusingly at someone*. Gah. The class blog is dying. D: Please please don't ever disband. It sucks to see a year (or more) of friendship gone just like that. We've all been through tough times together, and a lot of you are super close buddies with another and stuff, keep the 62'08 spirit going! Maybe you guys need a trip to SAPS. Stick your fingers in SAPS or sth (like what me and Edlyn did). CONFIRM WITH EDLYN AND BELLA ABOUT THE CLASS OUTING. If you don't know their contacts, ask other 62'08ians and keep asking till you get their numbers. Be proactive (uhm). Find them and don't wait for them to find you. I sound awfully weird here. Anyhoo, I am weird, so no biggie. 62'08 forever! Vivien[:
Saturday, March 7, 2009
10:39 PM
150th POST!
hey yo peeps. Admin info here. Uhmm, whoever going for the outing PLEASE PLEASE inform Edlyn or me. Sms us. Get the number from someone. or from another person. Anyways, Please. PLEASE PLEASE inform those who do not know. Ms Loh! My essay on anti-drug abuse is being sent in for competition! Aren't you PROUD!! Hahaha!! Gosh Gosh! I've become TANNER. AND TALLER! Woohoo~~ Info On 6-'08 Clementeens(Clementi Town's student) Me!! 1A1. Urgh class. 6208 still DE BEST! 1A1 really really really sucks. I'd rather be in 1B1. Yes, Jevaun's class. BUT not coz of Jevaun. correction. not ONLY coz of jevaun. The Guys and Girls there not too bad. My class guys all damn damn damn dirty. CCA, NETBALL!!! Woohoo!! Jevaun 1B1. He's getting along fine. STILL draw cars.AND when drawing cars will make VROOM VROOM sound in a weirder way! HAHA. He draws cars before he sleeps to like rest. DIAO. CCA, Volleyball. Yes. Jevaun Ong's in VOLLEYBALL. Haha!
ARE YOU GUYS FREE ON 11 APRIL?! Edlyn and my church's youth Minisrty Is having a
haha. MUST MUST MUST come! It's at Pasir Panjang Hill Brethen Church. People who wanna come. PLEASE TELL! Can come anytime from 10am-6pm. It's a SATURDAY. MUST MUST COME. How to get there? Mama shop near SAPS the bus stop. take 188 all the way to Red Wood West. 2 stops after Haw Par Villa. The stop is not a proper bus stop. It stops at the shop houses. Don't be surprise. Contact me or Edlyn!!!
10:14 PM
HELLO SIXTWOIANS! ♥ this blog post is mainly directed to all the students of 62'08(Saint Anthony's Primary School) abt our (dum dum dum dum, drumroll :D) CLASS OUTING, YAYE :D Kay, so here's the info again. Please meet at GOMBAK MRT STATION at TEN 'OCLOCK IN THE MORNING on the TWENTIETH OF MARCH (FRIDAY), 21.03.2009, for the class outing. We are going to ESCAPE THEME PARK and the prices for all of you THIRTEEN AND ABOVE are $17.70, while those who are TWELVE AND BELOW have to pay $8.90. Please bring $$$ FOR YOUR ADMISSION TICKET AND FOOD. (p/s no one's going to pay for you if you forget, so NOTE NOTE NOTE!) the time for this class outing is from TEN O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING TO ABT EIGHT O'CLOCK AT NIGHT. Please bring water too (we dont want you to die of dehydration during the class outing) and all the other things that you find necessary to bring. Please do not bring a luggage. You'll have to hold it yourself throughout the outing, NO SERVANTS. oh, dont forget your EZLINK CARD OR STUDENT PASS FOR THE TRAIN RIDE!Now, here are the people who have confirmed, who have not confirmed, and the answer of whether or not they're going is still pending (ie, not confirmed yet.) PEOPLE WHO HAVE CONFIRMED THAT THEY ARE GOING. edlyn. Vivien. YuJing Jasmine
So all of you email me ASAP. The latest you can email me is at 2230 hours on the day before the class outing. you can also MSN me, SMS me or tag on the tagboard. If you want my number please email me and state who you are.
Either you email to:
You can also tell ISABELLA. So rmb. If you have 62ian (2008) friends who do NOT know about this outing, please inform him/her abt it and tell her to reply ASAP, as a lot of you seem to not have a solid answer yet. SO REPLY NOW AND DO REPLY FAST. DO NOT miss this chance to see your class again.
THE DATE HAS ALR BEEN SETTLED DUE TO MAJORITY. Please do not want me to change the date so YOU can make it, whereas all the others cant. PLEASE clear that Friday and make an effort to come to this class outing! HAVE THE SIXTWO SPIRIT :D
So yes, reply ASAP via the above stated ways!
sixtwoian FOREVER, edlyn
6:42 PM
7th March 2009
Yo guys!Long time no post. Haix got super duper bad news.... may be gd to u ppl lols! Ok i will be missing school for 2 days!! monday( i will miss drama and pe) Oh no!!! my run 2.4km i scared cannot pass... then tuesday will miss homec zzz hiax...Why? becoz of the ncc camp feast... sians! i think we still got camp in holidays! that is double camp!!! then wad holiday hw sure alot then somemore got camp then worse still wad thursday nid to go singapore zoo!!!for the cip it sucks i will be looking at the ants!! yeah?? gim bin ask me if wanna go bird park for the class outing i told him i go will be looking at the birds dung...lols no kidding! Ok so enough of bad things lets get to the gd things!!! yeah! ok so today again we played basketball ok not really we me and weikit onli u noe y?? coz they dun wanna play! ok obvious..ok so i told gim bin to come aty 8.30 n u guess wad time he came?10.30!!!! omg i was scolding him like mad i was waiting for him n playing alone for so long that i wanted to go hw but never the less wei kit came!! raaa but anyways i still lost him 7 -3 haix... lols ok but i won him duel masters 2 matches raaaaaa!! ok so then vivien came then edlyn. gim bin came while he was holding his risk game lols so let skip these parts n get to the part at my house.... so after we got to my house we ate spaghetti( ps my eng bad) ok anyways i asked them a question n no 1 answered!!ok nvm ask them wad the question was if u wan so after that edlyn n vivien was there emoing n mi n gim bin and wei kit was playing risk while wan shi was watching( ok i m not not a gdhost is juz that edlyn n vivien didnt really hv the mood) m i right? ok after these wan shi was asking can play mahjong???? so me gim bin n wei kit had to stop risk to play but anyways i wasnt in the mood to play risk so we played then coz gim bin n wan shi didnt noe how to play while i was owning ok thank you thank you people! ok nvm. So then wei kit wasnt winning ok he didnt win a single match until later so wan shi was winning ok acutally no i was still owning ok so wei kit face was turning black!(lian hei) chinese u noe wad it means ok so i keep asking my mother to stop teaching but she didnt stop until later so at that time wei kit was starting to win then we made some stupid noise n then told wan shi to shut up..ok it was pretty funny n i told wan shi i said thats right thats the card u wanna play thats it i noe u wanna play it! anyways i still guessed correct she really played that card. So skip skip skip.... so later gim bin kept losing u noe y? coz he was too innocent to play mahjong as u noe mahjong must cunning 1 ok? so we played the edlyn had to go u noe y?(ok i learnt all this u noe y from nicholas! not me but nicholas ng! My new friend in sec sch i made friends wif him u noe y?coz he was as weird as me!) ok skip it then wan shi was starting to be pro! i was like ok but i was still owning!!!so then wan shi was doing wrong things as the time goes by ok alot mistakes so blah blah blah n there went the day ok that day is today yeah?(7th march 2009) Anyways to end this erm remember got class outing hor on friday the holidays erm msg edlyn if that is hoe to communicate then the fees i dunno how much go n see last few posts ok so with this i shall end todays post(i learnt that from nicholas ng too!) lols ok bb!!! Your 6-2 friend, Nicholas Tan!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
9:31 PM
HELLO SIXTWO2008!♥ AND BEYOND THIS GALAXY BLAH BLAH Hey, its been two stupid months without each other, and these two months werent filled with much joy, pls O_O anyhoos, MY TEACHER IS WEIRD THANKS. She wears black EVERYDAY, and she's plain weird.. Haha, she keeps singing really random songs, eg, Sesame street theme song and etc, ya, that type of songs O_O Gah, I dedicated a song to y'all on 98.7 but its not out yet! AHHHH! Fast, Muttons, fast pls. GAH. horrible people, my DEDICATIONNNN!! AHHHH! MY $0.30! D: anyhooos, they'd BETTER play my song!! AHHHH. So anyways, my History teacher's really funny. He's actually waiting for his A Level Results i think, and he's a relief teacher, cos my History teacher took a three week leave, and i dont even know why, so dont ask me :D hmm, so anyways, we were talking about the different classes in society. Like, the rich people higher class, the poor people lower class. Hmm, so we were talking abt how people from different classes couldnt marry each other. So my classmate was like, "What if its true love?". Then my History teacher said "TRUE LOVE WILL FIND A WAY" LOL, the whole class was laughing like crazy people. So, anyway, CHINESE HAS ROTTED MY BRAIN TO ROTTEN JELLY, THANKS :D so yah, now you know why the cause of my randomness LOL. OHKAY, NEVERMIND. Anyway, the class outing shall be on a FRIDAY, ohkay. Rmb that, kay! Will remind you again next week :D edlyn
8:10 PM
Gah I think you can see that our class blog is dying. Hmph. It shouldn't die. People should update moree. I'm just posting cos it is really really sad to see a dead blog D:
OMG, my CTs are over, but omfg, I got like, so lan worh. Firetruck ): Hmph. You guys leh? Your school CTs over le, just started, not yet, or completely don't have. I know got some very lucky no CTs. ;D Hmm, you guys should ALL go to the class outing, unless you have a valid reason like you'll die if you stay in the Sun or you'll paisehh yourself at the outing, but whatever, they'll still make you come, no matter your reason, or how valid it is.
Hahh. I'm actually enjoying myself in Sec Sch, but as you all know. SIXTWO-OHEIGHT WILL BE THE BEST CLASS I'VE EVER BEEN TO. GAH. I want to get back to SAPS. Maybe I'll transfer back to SAPS, if there were such a thing. I don't care if I get stuck with my juniors. Wahaha. I miss Miss Loh's sarcasm D:
Whoop. I have a page of GAHs. Means that I kept writing gah on that page, 'cos my Bio CT sucked. D:
XOXO, Vivien [:
Saint Anthony's Primary School,
Once An Anthonian, Always An Anthonian
Same goes,
Once A Sixtwoian, Always A Sixtwoian
We're so cool Ice Cubes are jealous,
& words cannot describe our awesomness.
We were, are, and will be magic together,
Group One
Nan Hua High School
Group One
Bukit Batok Secondary School
Group One
River Valley High School
Group One
Saint Joseph's Institution
Group One
Nan Hua High School
Group One
Bukit Batok Secondary School
Group Two
Raffles' Institution
Group Two
Bukit Batok Secondary School
Group Two
Group Two
Saint Joseph's Institution
Group Two
Fu Hua Secondary School
Group Two
Nan Hua High School
Group Three
Saint Joseph's Institution
Group Three
River Valley High School
Group Three
Swiss Cottage Secondary School
Group Three
Saint Joseph's Institution
Group Three
Bukit Panjang Govt. High School
Group Three
Group Three
Saint Joseph's Institution
Group Four
Commonwealth Secondary School
Group Four
Anglo Chinese School (Independent)
Group Four
Clementi Town Secondary School
Group Four
Gan Eng Seng Secondary School(?)
Group Four
Saint Patrick's School
Group Four
Maris Stella High School
Group One
Saint Margaret's Secondary School
Group One
Clementi Town Secondary School
Group One
Crescent Girls' School
Group One
Nanyang Girls' High School
Group Two
Bukit Panjang Govt. High School
Group Two
Nan Hua High School
Group Two
School Of The Arts
Group Two
Bukit Panjang Govt. High School
Group Three
Bukit Batok Secondary School
Group Three
Bukit Panjang Govt. High School
Group Three
School Of The Arts
Group Three
Swiss Cottage Secondary School
Group Four
Methodist Girls' School
Group Four
Yuan Ching Secondary School
Group Four
Swiss Cottage Secondary School
Group Four
Crescent Girls' School
the loveddd people{★}
Science Teacher!, Our Sciencementor! (:
One of our FAVOURITE teachers :D
We survived NAPFA cos of him! :D
We're much cooler than you are,
Like it or not, its us, thanks (:
Hey, we still love our HOMEFUN and EACH OTHER! :D
We'll stay together forever to the ends of the galaxy,
Class Outing Five, 18th December, Monday.
Details as follows:
→Time: 4.30 to 9 plus :D
→BBQ at WCP, if possible, watch sunset, play games, eat food! If not, just a normal nighttime picnic :D
→Bring EXTRA CLOTHES, we're having a waterbomb fight! :D
→Bring about EIGHT DOLLARS(for food fee), and extra if you want
(updated December 18, 2009, 2138HRS)
People who are coming:
Siddartnha, Nicholas, GimBin, Erwin, PengLoon, Bryan, Miss Loh, Irin, YuJing, Vivien, Jasmine, Edlyn, WanShi, Natalie
People who should be/may be coming:
Vivien, Jevaun
People who aren't coming:
PinZhang, Yiyuan, Bryan, Bruce, Michael, SiRuo, Clarissa, YingJie, Guallin, JiaMin,
Lovely Memories
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
May 2010
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